Exit Paula Deen


In Savannah, Many Defend Paula Deen From Critics (New York Times)

SAVANNAH, Ga. — The line of Paula Deen fans waiting for her restaurant here to open grew throughout the hot, muggy morning Saturday.

They discussed what they might select from the buffet inside The Lady and Sons, her wildly popular restaurant in the heart of Savannah.

But they also talked of boycotting the Food Network, which dropped their beloved TV chef on Friday after she awkwardly apologized for having used racial slurs and for considering a plantation-themed wedding for her brother, with well-dressed black male servants.

Interesting piece. The last quote is “She’s a cook. She’s not a Harvard graduate.”

But you don’t have to be a Harvard graduate to know that the world has changed, and behaviors that may have been the norm 50 years ago are not the norm now.

Paula Deen’s behavior was unacceptable, and it made her a liability. I think the Food Network did the right thing.

2 thoughts on “Exit Paula Deen

  1. In addition to unacceptable language, her food is not very acceptable either. it is full of fat, sugar, and other very unhealthy ingredients. The food network could certainly find a suitable replacement. Bubbe

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  2. New Yorkers seem totally unsympathetic to Paul Deane but I’ll bet that down south of the Mason Dixon line, there’s a lot more sympathy for her, and her ways of thinking. The Food Network, I hope, will stick to their guns. Reminds me of the arrogant Imus, who found he couldn’t get away with racial slurs about the women’s basketball team at Rutgers. I think he was picked up by Sirius Radio, but he’s gone from the national scene otherwise. Couldn’t happen to a better candidate!


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