
Steve Bromberg

Where I’ve been:

msnNOW, managing editor
aol.com, executive editor
foxnews.com, executive editor
the journal news (gannett), page one editor
the new york post, assistant managing editor and night sports editor

What’s on my mind:

Baseball and the blues and politics and hard news. A good photo. Great words. And a civil discussion.

Let’s talk.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Steve — I have (at long last it would appear) started to catch and enjoy your blogs. Your recent ones about Mr. Norregaard and Ms. Magzanian were spot on — although I do not recall the fear of her that you must have had. BFS certainly was a great school in the day and helped prepare me for a full life. All the best, and I shall continue to monitor your musings


  2. Loved your feature on Cosie. Brought back a lot of memories and made me smile. Thanks for reminding me about a great place and a one of a kind man.


  3. Re Cosie: I’m a Geneva native and began frequenting Cosie’s when I was 16. I also was the H &WS staff photographer in the early 80’s and I’m pretty sure I took the toothpick-in-the-bottle series of photos. Sam, as I recall, was Cosie’s uncle and the previous owner of the place.


  4. I loved your story on Coz. I was a townie who grew up on cheap beers at Cozzie’s. It was a real shook to find out that wasn’t the case when I went to NYC for college. As you said, no matter how long you had been gone, Cozzie remembered you and made you feel at home. When I went to my high school 45th year reunion a few years ago, I offered a toast to our “senior advisor”, Mr, Cozzie. What a great guy- humble, funny and eternally optimistic.


  5. I stumbled across your blog during a search on Hobart. I spent a year there in ’72 and fondly remember Cosie’s. I too got my own beer (Genesee) and paid into the register while Cosie was busy playing Pitch with the County Judge or chatting up the Ladies. I also got change or the electronic bowling machine. It was an iconic place that I will never forget. Thanks for the memories!
    John Barbour – Class of ’75, but graduated from Northeastern instead of Hobart.


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